Please be aware that you may receive solicitations from companies that are NOT affiliated with Emerald Expositions or Surf Expo. The information below will help alert you to such companies. If you have any doubts about a solicitation using the Surf Expo name (for example, the solicitation requires payment made to an address in a foreign country), please contact your sales person or [email protected].
Below is a list of the official, approved vendors who work with Surf Expo:
- Reach Marketing – Official Email Vendor
- Freeman– Official Show Decorator
- EventSphere– Official Housing Provider
- Personify (Formerly A2Z)– Console, Floorplan, Exhibitor List – emails may come from the domain
- Grip – Official Mobile App, Matchmaking and Lead Retrieval provider
- Maritz Global Events (Formerly Experient)- Official Registration Partner
- Community Commerce– Official Direct Mail Partner